Writing Week

Sandwiched between two writing workshops, I’m spending a week at the Oregon coast to finish the current book — a mystery I’m excited about, which is conveniently also set on the Oregon coast.  No books.  No television.  No family either, except for a visit planned on Thursday.  I figure I’ve got thirty thousand words to go, so it’s going to be writing, a few walks on the beach, and just a bit of socializing with other writers when I come up for air.  I’ve done over twice that in a week before, so I know I can do it.  I’m also going to be spending very little time online, but one of the things I thought I’d do is give progress reports over on Twitter from time to time.  It’s an experiment of sorts, since I can’t let myself spend more than a few minutes doing it here and there, but if you’d like to follow me on this little journey, you can find me over at http://www.twitter.com/scottwcarter
