The Ghost, the Girl, and the Gold: Cover and Description

Good news for fans of the Myron Vale series. While I originally thought The Ghost, the Girl, and the Gold, the third book in the series, would be delayed, the copy editor was able to work in the book sooner than I’d hoped, and we’re back to an early October release. I’m going over the edits, then it’s off to the proofreader for a final pass. Meanwhile, I’ve got the cover and the book description mostly finalized. As always, there might be a few last minute tweaks, but I’m pretty happy with how they’ve both come out. (Special thanks to my wonderful wife, who continues to provide invaluable feedback that helps whip things into shape.)

Here’s the cover (which you can click for a larger version, if you like):


It fits in with the design of the first two books. And here’s the book’s description:

The dead do not dream.

A week before Christmas, John and Laura Ray storm into Myron’s office, desperate to find their missing daughter. Money? They don’t have any. Clues? They have few. Plagued by mounting bills and a skull-crushing migraine, Portland’s only ghost detective wants nothing more than to show them the door.

But defying his conscience always proves tougher to Myron Vale than saying no, and he soon finds himself embroiled in one of the strangest cases of his career. The more he learns about this unique little girl and all of her extraordinary abilities, the more he feels a kinship to her. Who took Olivia Ray? And why?

The answers propel him toward a tantalizing solution to all of his problems — and a violent clash with a powerful personality, one who can cause irreparable harm to not just Myron, but everyone he loves.

Myron Vale continues to be an interesting character to me, one with the kind of depth worth exploring further, so I’m sure there will be more books about him in the future. Don’t ask me when, of course, because I’m deep into the next Garrison Gage book, and after that . . . well, we’ll see.

For now, if you’re interested in knowing when The Ghost, the Girl, and the Gold is actually out in the world, please sign up for the mailing list. I know I bang on that drum quite a bit, but other than buying my books, or writing a kind review of them on Amazon or elsewhere, signing up for my very infrequent “new release newsletter” is the thing I appreciate the most. No spam, no giving your email to anyone else — just a handful of emails a year, usually just when I’ve got something new out in the world I think you might like.