Cover for Lethal Beauty (Karen Pantelli #2)

The second Karen Pantelli book, Lethal Beauty, is just about done. I’ve finished going through the copy edits and the book should be out in the world in the next week or so. That’s the cover below. A description to follow soon, but needless to say, Karen gets herself in a whole lot of trouble again. She’s great fun to write. Very different than Garrison Gage, of course, and very different kinds of books, but I’m glad she’s finding her own fans. I happen to like her quite a bit.

A few readers have asked if the Pantelli books will be available in audio. The answer is . . . yes. Eventually. I’m debating some options there. Sorry I can’t say more, and that they’re not available now, but I do plan to make them available in audio eventually.

As a quick reminder, if you want to be one of the first people to know when I’ve published something, please do sign up for my very infrequent newsletter. I don’t spam. I don’t give your email to others. It really is just a way to make sure that people who like my work know when I’ve got something new in the world. It’s getting harder to break through all the noise these days, so my email list is the best way to make sure you don’t miss something, especially since I continue to be such a social media minimalist. (And I do try! I just don’t seem to be wired for it!) I’ve been thinking of doing a few more special discounts and giveaways just for my fans, so if you’re thinking of signing up, now’s a good time.

More soon.